Wednesday, April 15, 2009

017. I wanna be a part of it... [part one]

All the interns went to New York for a conference about a month ago.
I was lazy with the shutter. (Bad photog, Bad.)
So, here's a moderately inaccurate depiction of Times Square, New York City.

Radio City Music Hall

We went to Magnolia and macked on some cupcakes.

They are really good, as you can see from Heather's expression.
Heather prefers to eat hers with a fork.
We shared a laugh.

"The house of chocolate."

NBC studios.
We saw Kelly Clarkson's band pull up in a van, to be greeted by Saturday Night Live interns. No one else on the street seemed to notice or care.
We didn't know they were her band. They just looked band-y and famous in that "I haven't showered but still look cool" sort of way. And when we saw Clarkson on SNL that night, recognized the same cool-lookin' people.

Inside NBC studios.
I thought of not including this photo, because it's all kinds of hot mess.
But these ladies in gowns went on the street for an impromptu photo shoot.
Really odd.

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